Friday, March 14, 2014

Copy of Flight by Rose Dall

This is a painting my husband started for his painting class last year and since he cringes each time he has to open a tube of oil paint I decided to finish this one for him. I love oils and working on this painting helped me learn a new style for painting oils. I still have a little more work to do on his clothes and her veil but overall I am proud of this copy. For me this particular painting holds a deeply spiritual meaning besides the story being depicted of Joseph and Mary fleeing their home with Jesus as a child to find safety in Egypt, to me it tells me to never get too comfortable because something is always bound to happen.


  1. Are you kidding me? it's incredible! your husband is super talented. It's a beautiful painting!

  2. Thanks, he didn't paint it, I did. He literally had just traced a projection of the original and had started painting but you could still see the pencil marks in the background which just made me cringe. So I had to finish it since this painting depicts my life in so many ways. Rose Dall is an amazing artist and it was fun painting this to gain a sense of her style.
